Turf Toe

What is Turf Toe?

Turf toe is an injury to the ligament at the base of the big toe. It is a painful condition that usually results from jamming the toe into the ground or excessive backward bending of the toe.

As it is more common in athletes playing on artificial turf, especially those involved in field sports such as football, baseball, and soccer.

What are the Causes of Turf Toe?

Turf toe is usually caused by a sprain of the ligaments surrounding the big toe joint that aid in the movement of the big toe. 

Walking, running, jumping, dancing or any sudden movement involving a hyperextension of the big toe may cause a sprain of the surrounding ligaments and an injury to the joint capsule. This may also result in dislocation of the big toe.

Another important cause of turf toe includes improper footwear, which may lead to jamming or hyperextension of the big toe due to lack of friction between the foot and the surface. A stiff shoe with limited forefoot flexibility is recommended to reduce the incidence of injury.

What are the Symptoms of Turf Toe?

The predominant symptom of turf toe is pain at the base of the big toe, which is sudden in onset. The pain may also be associated with swelling and limitation of movement of the big toe. This may predispose the joint to arthritis. A direct injury to the bone may result in sudden pain that exaggerates within 24 hours. If left untreated, it can result in a chronic injury.

How is Turf Toe Diagnosed?

Turf toe is a soft tissue injury diagnosed by the evaluation of presenting symptoms, history of the injury and physical examination of the injured toe joint. In some cases, X-rays or CT scan may also be ordered to rule out any other internal pathology.

What is the Treatment for Turf Toe?

The treatment of turf toe is aimed at reducing swelling and inflammation of the affected joint. The RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression, elevation) is usually recommended for the management of pain, swelling, and inflammation. In addition to this, anti-inflammatory medications may also be prescribed to relieve the symptoms. 

The joint may be immobilized by strapping to prevent further injury.

Surgical treatment is rarely recommended for turf toe. 

However, it may be considered in to remove bone spurs that may form.

What is the Outlook of Turf Toe Treatment?

Once the pain has been treated, a recurrence can be prevented by following a few simple measures that include:

  • Wearing shoes specifically designed for the sporting activity
  • Following physical therapy exercises to improve gait and strength
  • Performing warm-up exercises before any physical activity

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