Back Pain Treatment In Dubai

Overview - Back Pain

Back pain can be more than just a discomfort—it can impact every aspect of your life, from daily tasks to your overall well-being. Whether it’s a sharp, sudden pain or a persistent ache, back pain can make even the simplest activities feel overwhelming.

At OrthoPro Clinic, we understand the physical and emotional toll that back pain can take. Our team of experienced orthopaedic specialists is dedicated to providing personalized care and effective Back Pain treatment in Dubai to help you regain your mobility and quality of life.

What is Back Pain?

Back pain or backache is the pain felt in the back that may originate from damage to the muscles, nerves, bones, joints, or other structures in the spine. Back pain is one of the most common medical problems experienced by most people at some time in their lives. It can be acute, usually lasting from a few days to a few weeks, or chronic, lasting for more than three months.

Back pain can occur as a dull constant pain or a sudden sharp pain. It may be confined to one area or radiate to other areas such as the arm and hand, upper or lower back, and leg or foot.

Causes of Back Pain

An appropriate line of treatment for back pain it is necessary to understand the common causes of back pain.

They may include:

  • Musculoligamentous strain: It is the most common sports injury caused by injury to the soft tissues around the spine.
  • Spondylolysis: It is most commonly found in athletes who participate in sports such as gymnastics, pole vaulting, and football. All these activities require frequent hyperextension of the lumbar spine.
  • Spondylolisthesis: It is a condition of the spine that occurs when one vertebra is displaced or has slipped forward over the other below it.
  • Herniated nucleus pulposus: When an injury occurs, the central core of the disc is pushed through a tear in the outer hard layer of the disc, causing a bulge and pressure on nearby nerves. If the herniated disc presses on a spinal nerve, it can cause lower back pain.

Other lower back pain causes can also include growth-related problems such as scoliosis and Scheuermann’s kyphosis.

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Symptoms of Back Pain

Back pain may vary from a dull muscle ache to sharp, burning, or stabbing sensations. It can also radiate down the leg. Movements such as bending, twisting, lifting, standing, or walking can aggravate the discomfort.

Diagnosis of Back Pain

Your physician will diagnose back pain by reviewing your history and symptoms and examining your spine.

A complete examination includes the examination of the signs of unusual curves of the spine, rib hump, tilted pelvis, and tilting of the shoulders, and a test of your sensations.

Other diagnostic tests may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.

What to do for back pain?

Non-Surgical Approach
Some of the non-surgical methods are as follows:
  • Anti-inflammatory medications or NSAIDs are recommended to provide relief from pain.
  • Cold packs, heat packs, or both, applied to your back will help ease much of the discomfort and relieve stiffness as well as the pain.
  • Sleeping with the pillow between the knees while lying on one side or placing the pillow under your knees when lying on your back may help you achieve back pain relief.
  • Exercises to strengthen your trunk and back muscles may be recommended.
Surgical Approach

Our back pain doctor may opt for surgical procedures in case your back pain or lower back pain does not respond to conventional treatments.

Decompression Therapy

Decompression therapy is a non-surgical method that gently stretches the spine to relieve pressure on discs and nerves. It’s commonly used for herniated discs, sciatica, and other spinal conditions, offering pain relief without surgery.

Thoracic Discectomy

Thoracic discectomy is a surgery to remove damaged or herniated discs in the mid-back. It’s performed when discs press on the spinal cord or nerves, causing pain or weakness. This surgery relieves pressure and restores mobility.

Lumbar Epidurals

Lumbar epidural injections deliver steroids into the lower spine to reduce inflammation and pain. They are used to treat conditions like herniated discs, sciatica, and spinal stenosis, providing targeted relief for lower back pain.

Lumbar Corpectomy and Fusion

Lumbar corpectomy and fusion is a surgery to remove part of a vertebra and fuse the spine for stability. It’s used to treat severe spinal issues like fractures, tumours, or degenerative disc disease, helping to restore stability and reduce pain.

Spine Anatomy

The spine also called the backbone, is made up of vertebral bones with cushioning intervertebral discs between them.

The spine is designed to give us stability and smooth movement, as well as providing a corridor of protection for the delicate spinal cord. It is supported by muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and innervated by nerves that branch out from the centrally placed spinal cord.

Having a well-functioning healthy back is essential for our mobility and ability to participate in various activities. Understanding the anatomy of the spine enhances your ability to discuss conditions of the spine and treatment options with your doctor.

Vertebra: The spine is made up of bony segments called vertebrae, and fibrous tissue called intervertebral discs. The vertebrae and discs form a column from your head to your pelvis providing symmetry and movement to the body.

This spinal column is made up of approximately 33 vertebral bones stacked one on top of the other from the base of the skull to the pelvis. Twenty-four of these vertebrae articulate with each other, while the last nine are fused together. Each vertebra is made up of several parts:

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  • Vertebral Body: This is the main part of the vertebra. It supports most of the load while standing and provides a platform for the attachment of the intervertebral discs.
  • Pedicles: These are two cylinder-shaped projections originating from the back of the vertebral body, connecting the front and back of the vertebra.
  • Lamina: Lamina is a pair of flat arched bones that form the roof of the spinal canal and provide support and protection to the spinal cord at the back.
  • Spinous Processes: These are the bony projections that arise at right angles to the midline of the lamina. These projections can be felt when touching the back.
  • Transverse Processes: These are bony protrusions located at the junction of the pedicle and lamina. They provide a place for the attachment of the back muscles.
  • Spinal Canal: This is the tunnel formed at the center of the vertebra for the passage of the spinal cord.
  • Facet Joints: These are paired articular processes found at the vertebral arch. Each vertebra consists of two pairs of facet joints; one pair called superior facets articulates with the vertebra above and the other pair, inferior facets articulates with the vertebra below.
  • Intervertebral Discs: The intervertebral discs are flat, rounded soft tissue structures situated between two vertebral bodies of the spine. The discs are composed of a tough, fibrous outer ring called the annulus fibrous and a soft, inner core called the nucleus pulposus. Intervertebral discs function as shock absorbers for the spine. Aging and injury can cause degeneration of these discs and cause painful rubbing of the vertebral bones.
  • Vertebral Column: The vertebrae are arranged one on top of the other to form the spine. The spine is categorized into 5 spinal segments: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccyx.
  • Cervical: The cervical spine is called the neck. It begins at the base of the skull and is comprised of seven vertebrae numbered C1 to C7. The neck supports the weight of the head and allows the greatest range of motion due to two specially shaped vertebrae, the ring-shaped atlas and the peg-shaped axis, which are the first two vertebrae.

  • Thoracic: The thoracic spine is made up of twelve thoracic vertebrae, which are numbered T1 to T12. They start from the upper chest and extend to the middle back, communicating with the ribs in the front of the chest to protect the heart and lungs.

  • Lumbar: The Lumbar spine is made up of five lumbar vertebras numbered L1 to L5. These are situated in the lower back region and are larger in size. The major function of the lumbar vertebrae is to carry the weight of the body and absorb the stress of lifting and carrying heavy objects.

  • Sacrum: The sacrum is a single bone, formed by the fusion of five sacral vertebras together. It connects the spine to the hip bones.

  • Coccyx: Also called the tailbone, the coccyx is formed from the fusion of four bones and provides attachment for muscles and ligaments to the pelvic floor.

  • Spinal Curves: The side view of an adult spine resembles a natural S-shaped curve. The curves provide strength and support to the spine, maintain balance, and absorb shock. Any abnormality in the spinal alignment is called a spinal deformity.
  • Muscles: The most important spinal muscles include the extensors, flexors, and oblique muscles, which work to stabilize the spine and allow the spine to move. Any weakness or strain in the back muscles can cause incredible strain on the spine.
    • The extensor muscles are attached to the back of the spine and help us to stand and lift objects. 
    • The flexor muscles originate from the front of the spine and include the muscles of the abdomen. These help in the forward movement and lifting and control the arch of the lower back.
    • The oblique muscles are found at the sides of the body and help in the side-ways rotation of the back.
  • Ligaments: Spinal ligaments are strong fibrous bands that stabilize and hold the vertebrae in place. The major ligaments are the ligamentum flavum, anterior longitudinal ligament, and posterior longitudinal ligament. The anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments are continuous bands that run from the top to the bottom of the spinal column along with the vertebral bodies, and the ligamentum flavum attaches one lamina to the other. These ligaments function to maintain the alignment of the vertebrae.
  • Spinal Cord: The spinal cord originates from the brain and extends through the base of the skull to the lower back through the spinal canal. It is covered by three membranes called meninges. Spaces between these membranes are filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves that originate from the spinal cord. These nerves carry all the information from the body to the brain, controlling sensation and movement.


Any damage or injury to the spinal cord can cause loss of sensation or function to the part of the body that the nerves supply.

The spine is a complex anatomical structure made up of bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, nerves, and the spinal cord. This strong spinal column provides the basic structure, support, and flexibility to the human body.


Seek medical attention if your back pain lasts more than a few weeks, is severe, or is accompanied by numbness, weakness, or trouble walking.

Yes, poor posture can strain the muscles and ligaments in your back, leading to discomfort or chronic pain over time.

Maintain good posture, exercise regularly, avoid heavy lifting, and practice proper body mechanics to prevent back pain.

No, surgery is typically a last resort when non-surgical treatments, like physical therapy or injections, have not been effective.

Our Panel of Expert:

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Dr. Sherief Elsayed

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Subspecialist: Spine Surgery

Lumbar Corpectomy and Fusion

At OrthoPro, we understand how back pain can make your everyday life challenging. That’s why our lumbar corpectomy and fusion treatment in Dubai is designed to relieve your pain, stabilize your spine, and prevent further complications—so you can return to your daily activities without the constant discomfort holding you back.

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Thoracic Discectomy Surgery

At OrthoPro Clinic, our experienced surgeons provide advanced solutions related to Thoracic Discectomy surgery in Dubai, utilising minimally invasive techniques to ensure faster recovery and optimal outcomes, helping you get back to living pain-free.

Lumbar Epidural treatment

Lumbar epidurals can be a lifeline for those suffering from chronic back pain. These injections, administered directly into the epidural space, can provide significant relief from nerve compression and inflammation. However, the decision to undergo a lumbar epidural is a major one, and it’s important to understand the procedure, its potential advantages, and the risks involved.

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